Stormwater Management

Excerpt From Stormwater Bylaw

Eroded soil and storm water runoff entering water resources are considered non-point sources of pollution that are responsible for the degradation of water quality and hydrology in lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, wetlands and groundwater. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that polluted storm water runoff is the leading cause of impairment to the nearly 40% of impaired water bodies in the United States. (Source: 1998 EPA 303(d) list of impairment by category).

Excerpt From Illicit Discharge Bylaw

Regulation of illicit connections and discharges to the municipal storm drain system is necessary for the protection of the Town of Merrimac water bodies and groundwater, and to safeguard the public health, safety, welfare and the environment.

Kids Resources

IDDE Bylaw & Stormwater Management

Outreach Material

Town Hall Closed Monday 1/20