

Attention Drain Layers: Permits expire on December 31st of each year, if you have not applied to renew for 2023 please see the NEW Drain Layer Renewal Process and submit documents, fully completed, as soon as possible. 

Sewer Rate Study

Wastewater Documents

SSO Notifications

In January 2021, Governor Baker signed An Act Promoting Awareness of Sewage in Public Waters into law.  This new law will make sure the public knows when untreated sewage flows into Massachusetts waters.  This includes certain Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs).  The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Town of Merrimac recognizes the importance of notifying the public when untreated sewage is released into our waters. 

When a discharge or overflow occurs, Merrimac DPW sends out a public advisory notification.  On business days, this website will be updated within 4 hours of the notification. During nights, weekends, or holidays, this website will be updated on the next business day.

You can also see a list of discharge and overflow events on the MassDEP website.  This list is updated within 24 hours of when the public advisory notification is sent. 

The fastest way to get information is to sign up below to receive public advisory notifications.

Town Hall Closed Monday 1/20