Change your water habits


It takes only a shift in mindset to change your water habits.

In the Bathroom

  • Don’t run the water while you’re brushing your teeth.  Wet your toothbrush and then turn the faucet off until you’re ready to rinse. 
  • Don’t run the water while you’re shaving, either.  Fill a small glass with water and just rinse your razor as needed

Extra measures during droughts and dry spells

  • If it takes awhile for your shower to warm up, put a bucket in to catch the water before you get in.  Then use that water for house plants, cleaning floors or hand-washing sweaters or delicates.

In the Kitchen

  • Instead of letting the water run while washing veggies and fruits, just fill a bowl, dunk them in and wipe them dryfruit salad
  • Hand-washing the dishes uses more water than a dishwasher.  If you do hand-wash, don’t run the water – fill a large bowl, add water and wash your plates and utensils.  Then dump the bowl and fill it with clean water to give them a quick rinse.
  • If you use a dishwasher, wait until it’s full before you run it.
  • Chill a pitcher or bottle of water in the fridge instead of letting the water run until it gets cold each time you need a drink.

In the laundry room

washing machine

Wait until you have a full load of laundry.  Don’t wash just a pair of jeans or just a couple of shirts.

Set the load setting (small, medium, large) to match the amount of laundry you’re putting in. 

The average American family washes about 300 loads of