Senior Center/ Council on Aging
The mission of the Merrimac Council on Aging is, “To provide services designed to improve the quality of life of elders by assisting them to remain as physically mobile, mentally alert and socially active as possible. The Council on Aging advocates for older adults, manages the resources needed to develop services, provides education for seniors and their families regarding choices in their care and community services available to them.”
One of the most frequently asked questions is, “how old do you have to be to join the Senior Center?” The Merrimac Senior Center is for everyone! Our goal is to maintain healthy lifestyles for our elder population and that includes making new friends. We are a very active Senior Center that offers many exciting activities and programs. Any adult is more than welcome to join!
Another frequently asked question is, “Do you have to be a member to join?” No. One of the great things about the Senior Center is that you pay for the small activity fee for what you participate in, so there is no cost to the Town.
If you would like to financially support the Senior Center, there are 2 options to make donations: The Friends of the Merrimac Council on Aging or the Merrimac Council on Aging Gift Account. Please note that while donations are greatly appreciated, there is no membership fee to participate in anything at the Senior Center other than program fees and many are free of charge.
Merrimac Senior Center – Current Staff Roster
Brienne R. Walsh, Executive Director |
Denise Gilman, Program Coordinator |
Eileen Murray, CDM, CFPP, Food & Nutrition Director |
Daniel Domings, LSWA, Outreach & Human Services Coordinator |
Jon Behrens, Transportation Coordinator/Van Driver |
Sandra Blanchet, Volunteer Coordinator |
Judy Kimber Morrill, Kitchen Chef |
Wayne Jones, Custodian/Van Driver
Candie Benjamin, Volunteer Food Pantry Coordinator
Programs, Services, Events
Programs & Services
- SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Everyone): Marcia Miller
- Tax Assistance (seasonal)
- Simply Foot Care: Catherine Langueduc
- Peggy’s Food Pantry and Our Neighbors’ Table Mobile Food Pantry-For information call the Senior Center, (978) 346-9549
- SeenYourFeet Foot Care: Barbara Ullman
Public Health Nurse
- Flu Clinics: (Seasonal) TBA
- Blood Pressure Clinics: Fridays – Senior Center
- Social Worker: Meeting the Emotional and Social needs of individuals and families, 100 East Main Street Memory Café
Group Activities and Instructors
Exercise & Walking Club: Pam Pacione | Cribbage |
Chair Yoga: Mary Van Abs | Painting: Watercolor with Bill Duke |
Pool | LGBT Social Dinner: Ron Bourque, Rick Olson |
45’s: Ron | 100 East Main St Memory Cafe: |
Meditation & Yoga: Bianca Corey | Bingo: Heidi Roy, Betty Elliot |
Vinyasa Yoga: Janet Dellaire | Bocce: Bill Gaylardo (Spring-Fall) |
Rug Hookers: Gail Majauckas | Quilting |
Knit, Crochet & Cross Stitch | Knitting & Crochet: Sandra Blanchet |
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are always needed! Give Sandy a call, (978) 346-9549, if you would like to be a volunteer!
- NEET Drivers- Northern Essex Elder Transport or NEET, Drive seniors to medical appointments (reimbursed for mileage)
- Senior Tax Work-off program work as a volunteer for a Town Department up to 100 hours and receive tax credit on your town real estate tax.
- Other volunteers needed to run programs, activities, help with lunch program, Friendly Visits or Calls, general office assistance and much more.
The Merrimac COA Senior Center employs Bridget Batcheller, MSW, LC who works Monday, Wednesday and Thursday’s from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bridget is available to meet with seniors or their families in the office or by appointment in their homes to assess needs, discuss services and programs available in the community, provide advocacy and support and make referrals. Bridget can assist in a crisis and is a mandated reporter for suspected elder abuse.
The staff maintains strict confidentiality and no information shared with the Outreach Worker will be released to anyone without permission from the elder, including family members. The Outreach Coordinator is able to coordinate services with other agencies such as Public Health, Police, Fire, Hospital Social Workers, Nursing Homes, Rehab, Community Action, Meals on Wheels, Food Pantry and many other organizations as well as from families and elders themselves.
If you have any questions regarding services or assistance, need information or referrals, please call the Senior Center to speak with Bridget Batcheller, MSW, LC or the Director at (978) 346-9549.
Transportation is provided through the Senior Center by volunteers (NEET) as well as the Van Drivers. Nicholas Fiorello is the transportation manager and scheduler. If you need a ride for a medical appointment, local hairdresser, to come to the Senior Center for meals or activities, or to go grocery shopping, call the Senior Center at 978-346-9549.
We request a minimum of 48 hours notice for local appointments, and a minimum of a week for Lahey Peabody, Lahey Burlington, the V.A. Hospital, or any Boston Hospitals.
Although the staff and volunteers make every effort to provide transportation, it cannot be guaranteed.
Destination | Suggested Donation |
Boston | $50 Round Trip Plus Parking Expense |
Amesbury | $6 |
Haverhill (downtown/ Ward Hill) | $6 or $7 |
Newburyport | $7 |
The requested donation to cover costs is based on $.43 per mile, or what you can afford.